Projects and Services

Homeowners Advice

If you are a Southwark Council homeowner with any kind of query, we can provide free and confidential advice on a number of issues.

Outreach & Projects

We run a number of specialist projects designed to meet particular needs of people who live, work or study in Southwark.


As part of our role for the Southwark Legal Advice Network, we have been awarded a contract by Southwark Council to provide a critical friend to the Council around Equalities and Human Rights issues.


Citizens Advice Southwark, in partnership with Southwark Law Centre, are currently collating available information to develop a full-as-possible picture of the Private Rented Sector (PRS). So far, the project has a conducted a borough-wide survey and held multiple Know Your Housing Rights sessions for private renters in Southwark.

The project has its own website:


Southwark Legal Advice Network

The Southwark Legal Advice Network oversees all the different advice related networks and forums in the borough, and also produces the Southwark Advice Strategy.  SLAN regularly reviews advice need in the borough and develops services that respond to these.

SLAN has its own website –

Southwark Advice Forum

The Southwark Advice Forum provides training and information sharing opportunities for frontline advice workers and supervisors working for local agencies.

If you are an adviser working in Southwark and want to join SAF please email

Universal Credit Network

The Universal Credit Network provides information, guidance, support and training to frontline workers who regularly work with people who have issues with Universal Credit, but who are not themselves benefits advisers.

The network is funded by local charity United St Saviours.

If you are a frontline worker working in Southwark and want to join the UC Network please email

Financial Inclusion Forum

The Financial Inclusion Forum brings together partners from the voluntary and statutory sectors in Southwark to promote and raise the profile of financial inclusion in the borough.

Through FIF we have developed local partnership initiatives such as Advice and Support Roadshows and Financial Inclusion Frontline Worker Awareness Raising sessions.

DWP Liaison Group

The DWP Liaison Group provides an opportunity for voluntary sector advice agencies across Southwark and Lambeth to meet with DWP staff to discuss issues relating to the administration of DWP benefits locally.

If you are an adviser working in Southwark or Lambeth and want to join the DWP Liaison Group please email

Back on Track

The Back on Track Project is an innovative project which provides advice and assistance to patients of GP practices in certain locations in Southwark and Lambeth.

Funded by Impact on Urban Health the project involves multi-partner working between Primary Care Networks, GPs, local creditors such as the council and local housing associations, and Southwark and Lambeth Social Prescribing teams.

The project has a focus on helping people with long-term health conditions who also have financial worries. The objective is to help people resolve their financial issues, and to measure the impact this has on their health and wellbeing.

Debt and Mental Health

Our specialist team provides debt advice to people with mental health issues in the borough.