Feedback and Complaints

If we’ve let you down, tell us. We want everyone who uses Citizens Advice to be happy with the service we provide. That’s why, if we’ve let you down, we want to hear from you – no matter how big or small the issue is. Often, we’ll be able to put things right. And even when we can’t, knowing where we’ve gone wrong will help us do better in the future.

We promise to deal with every complaint quickly, professionally and confidentially.


We need to record information about you to help with your enquiry. We have a legitimate interest to do so. When we record and use your personal information we:

  • Only access it when we have a good reason
  • Only share what is necessary and relevant
  • Don’t sell it to commercial organisations.

For details on how we collect and use your personal information please read our privacy notice.

This form will be processed within 5 working days. *Required field.

Please select your primary reason for contacting us:

Can we contact you for feedback?
We want to make sure our service meets your needs. To help us understand how we’re doing and to improve our service, we may want to contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback. Sometimes we need a trusted research organisation to help us do that.

We’ll decide who we contact for feedback based on the services you used and the advice area. We may also use your special category data so that we hear from different groups.

Please tick the box below if you agree to us getting in touch.

Please tell us about the nature of your feedback/complaint, giving as much information as possible

Security Question:

What is the last letter in the word "Southwark"?